Summer Vacation is here!
School is out! I don't say that because I'm glad to get away from it, though. I just like that we don't have to be up so early and after such hard work from a lot of homework and many projects & reports that the children can now relax and just be lazy. :)
We've had just some really wonderful teachers and there were many tears the last day. I pray often that our children will have favor and grace with their teachers but that they will in turn be a blessing and leave a sweet and Christlike impression with them.
That said, I have to mention a sweet moment for this Mommy. I try not to be a bragging mother, but this touched my heart. A Kindergarten teacher remarked to me that she loves our children so much that when she found out that a new little Sheridan will be joining the school in the Fall that she wanted him/her in her classroom - she grabbed at her name on the list when they were making first decisions for classroom arrangements! I was so surprised and laughed outright! When I mentioned that it's our most rambunctious, extroverted, effervescent child she said that that's even better! Well, God bless her! :)
So this Fall, Bethany will begin Kindergarten. And Congratulations to our 'big kids' Sarah, Faith, Elijah, & David who have successfully finished their school year with high EOG and MAP scores and will move on to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, respectively.
Summer Days:
I like living simply and not rushing things but I also like to be prepared because although it works out occasionally, it's generally harder to pick up and run out the door in an instant with six children in tow.
To make things easier to "grab & go" I make up many little snack baggies of both sweet and savory treats. They're great for road trips, sides with lunches, and afternoon pick-me-ups. The kids like that they get to choose individually and I like that I can evenly portion out the goods so they're not gone in two days! With fruits and veggies I just have to say "Only One!" but we're usually out of snacks/fruit a day before grocery-day! :) But I keep many popsicles (Read: 200-300) in our big freezer for extra hot days, too.
Our Summer days will look something like this:
Mondays - Swimming
Tuesdays - Library Reading Program & staying with Grandma (Mom)
Wednesdays - Swimming
Thursdays - Staying with Grandma
Fridays - Swimming & errand day
Weekends are reserved for special day trips with Daddy, cookouts, time with family/friends, and church services
We hope to get in a weekend trip and maybe a quick vacation to the beach again but that will have to wait to be seen.
Until next time...