With things changing so apparently quickly it's almost hard to decide *when* to update but I'm glad that I am because it helps keep people in the know. This is all so surreal.
Wednesday, May 26th -
9 am - I called to speak with Mom. The nurse told me that she might not speak because she hadn't interacted with anyone and refused to eat breakfast. The nurse attempted to give her a few bites but she didn't really eat anything. The nurse held the phone to Mom's ear for me and I tried to entice her to speak to me but she just wouldn't. That's the first time my mother hasn't spoken to me.
2 pm - After lunch, I tried again. This time Mom spoke to me - asking regular questions, reacting, and responding as normal. She said she had eaten a little lunch. She doesn't remember me calling earlier. She kept the conversation short saying she was about to lie for a nap and we said our goodbyes. I definitely felt encouraged.
8 pm - While talking to Holli (my niece) she mentions that Dad has stopped by their house and looks really upset so I asked her to call me if there was anything to know.
9 pm - My brother, John, calls with news from Dad - the facts and gist of the conversation is this: Dad spoke with the doctors. Her condition has deteriorated which explains the rapid change in disposition, ability, memory, mood, etc. She's showing signs of Alzheimer's disease. At some point in the afternoon she was completely confused and crying, saying that her daughter is pregnant and going to die, that she was going to go to jail for calling 911, and so on. She was quite upset so they gave her some calming meds. With some comparison brain scans from last week until yesterday it showed that her brain waves have changed in deterioration. He said that we need to consider the fact that she'll never leave the hospital and/or that she might need to move into assisted living for the remainder of her life.
Not long after John and I hung up, Dad came to our house and we discussed all of this as well as online a while later.
My father was pitiful and needs prayer and support. I am pretty broken-hearted.
Today, Thursday, May 27th -
4 pm - I just called and Mom spoke with me this afternoon. She conversed normally but sounded and was very tired and sleepy. I told her we were visiting tonight and she was happy about that. She was understanding that not everyone can come. She did say her goodbyes and responded that she loves me.
Today is my Grandma Luther's 99th birthday, my mother's mother (1911-1996). In her last few years her mind deteriorated with dementia and she had many of the same symptoms, experiences, and trials as my mother is apparently slipping into. The stark difference is that my Grandmother was 85 when she died and my mother is 65. I have to wonder.. Will I go through this? And knowing that I have four daughters that I could 'pass this on to' is too much to bear right now.
Tonight is a regular visiting evening (6:30-8) so Dad, John, and I will be going for certain. Our brother, Mike, hopes to leave work early enough to join us.